India HAS Refocused homegrown Kaveri engine project icts, originally Intended for icts Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), to developmental unmanned attack aircraft power, is selon Defence Ministry source.

The engine aussi Would Be used in unmanned combat aerial vehicle year (UCAV) under development.
The Defence Ministry Publicly HAS not abandoned the Kaveri for the LCA, the goal prototype aircraft's Being is powered by the General Electric F404 engine, and a higher-thrust GE-F414 engine has-beens selected to power the Mark of LCA-2 model.
A scientist with India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Which is the USAV Undertaking projects and Kaveri, the knowledge Said Acquired falling on development of the Kaveri can be used in other aerospace applications, Including propulsion of the USAV.
However, the scientist did not say Whether the Kaveri engine will be used only for the USAV, nor Would he confirm que le MoD HAD Formally approved the Kaveri's new role.
The Kaveri was Conceived in 1989 to power the indigenous LCA, it has-beens goal hampered by technical problems.
"In case the Kaveri engine is Formally abandoned for the LCA, then India will need to buy all icts Requirements of engines for LCA Mark-2 from the overseas market," Said Nitin Mehta, a New Delhi-based defense analyst based here.
The total requirement for the Air Force LCA Mark-2 is Estimated at about 200.
The Kaveri engine thrust HAS Sufficient power to the USAV, Which Weighs about 10 tons, but not to power the LCA, the MoD source said. The LCA aussi Weighs about 10 tons, aim it needs to perform various Greater thrust aerial maneuvers.
While no official MoD Publicly Would say if the Kaveri engine for LCA has-been abandoned, MoD sources quietly Have Said the Kaveri will henceforth only the power and the USAV UCAV under development by DRDO. The UCAV will need a higher-thrust engine than the USAV, however, so the Kaveri project will be split into phases, one for the USAV and an upgraded version for the UCAV.
India's USAV is Being developed by Bangalore-based Aeronautical Development Agency, a DRDO laboratory under the Autonomous Unmanned Research Aircraft (AURA) project, Which has-beens aussi Assigned the task of Developing a stealthy unmanned combat aircraft.
The AURA project is assisted by other Being DRDO laboratories, Including the Dehradun-based Defence Electronics Application Lab, and the Defence Avionics Research Establishment and Gas Turbine Research Establishment, both, based in Bangalore. Gas Turbine has-beens Developing the Kaveri engine.
The USAV is a 10-ton UAV That Would Deliver Unguided bombs to enemy targets and return, while the stealthy UCAV is a system, weighing 15 tons, that 'will carry precision-guided munitions and missiles.
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